I have no loyalty to any of the three really, and have nostalgic for IP/exclusives on all 3 so I’ll likely always own them all as long as I have the money and time. For those that own console gaming controllers, a free way to get a good controller integrated with your PC is to re-purpose your console controller for your PC gaming. This gen it’s been back and forth of whether I’m playing PS5 or XSX (mostly Gamepass) more, with Switch as a complementary platform (especially for gaming on the go or while watching sports or something on TV). 'Human error' is to blame for that information being in the trailer, they say.

Then PS4 was definitely my main last gen, with Wii U and X1/PC (mostly for Xbox after selling the X1) getting way less time. Update: Sony have now pulled the trailer and told Kotaku that Demons Souls is in fact not coming to PC and other consoles.
360 ended up my main the following gen, with PS3 as a late gen pick up (high launch price was a killer for me as a grad student) and Wii as a complementary platform. PS2 was probably most played the following gen (GameCube was close, Xbox only bought later on for KOTOR and catching up on exclusives). Grew up with Nintendo consoles and portables and only had those until getting a PS1 later in that gen and it ended up being my most played that generation. Other as I don’t have a consistent favorite generation to generation. I am simply asking for the reasons why you prefer playing on your preferred platform. Note: This thread is not about why you think X platform is better than Y platform. What are YOUR reasons for your gaming platform preference? Nostalgia, controller, gaming, hardware capabilities? Post your thoughts down below and don't be afraid to share your stories. There could be a ton of reasons why I default to PlayStation, but I think it mostly boils down to running around in Spyro the Dragon as an 8-year-old. I have a ton of fond memories of the PS3 and PS4, and I'm loving my PS5 right now. Perhaps it's because I grew up with PlayStation since I was a kid? There hasn't really been a PlayStation console I disliked. Despite that admiration for other gaming platforms, I still default to PlayStation. I've always wanted to own an Xbox ever since I saw the OG Xbox in person. I own multiple platforms, but PlayStation is typically my go-to gaming platform. I'm mostly just curious as to why platform preferences exist in the first place beyond. You can share which platform you like playing on most. We all like playing on all sorts of platforms, but there's usually one we often go to most and that preference typically doesn't change. Not a specific generation of hardware, just whichever gaming platform brand you like to play on most. What I mean by gaming platform, I mean something like Xbox or PlayStation or Nintendo or PC.